Was neues zum Patch 2003

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    While Summer is at its peak, our team continues the work on improving IL-2 Sturmovik. Battle of Moscow will be released on Steam in a couple of weeks, so we're changing the way the content is represented. Among the other changes there is one we think you'll especially like - in the coming version 2.003 you'll be able to connect to a multiplayer server even if you don't own the map it uses. In addition, you'll be able to pilot the planes from Battle of Moscow in Battle of Stalingrad campaign if you own both theatres and these planes saw action there historically. For example, you can use MiG-3 and I-16 in Stalingrad campaign and a couple of Battle of Stalingrad planes in Battle of Moscow campaign.

    Gunfire sound effects are overhauled, they became more 'alive' and realistic. We also finish polishing the campaign for now - in later versions we'll be extending it, adding new mission types and scenario missions. Several performance improvements will be included in 2.003 as well.

    By the way, we're working on new aircraft and features we'll tell you about a bit later. Here are a few WIP screenshots for now:

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    While Summer is at its peak, our team continues the work on improving IL-2 Sturmovik. Battle of Moscow will be released on Steam in a couple of weeks, so we're changing the way the content is represented. Among the other changes there is one we think you'll especially like - in the coming version 2.003 you'll be able to connect to a multiplayer server even if you don't own the map it uses. In addition, you'll be able to pilot the planes from Battle of Moscow in Battle of Stalingrad campaign if you own both theatres and these planes saw action there historically. For example, you can use MiG-3 and I-16 in Stalingrad campaign and a couple of Battle of Stalingrad planes in Battle of Moscow campaign.

    Gunfire sound effects are overhauled, they became more 'alive' and realistic. We also finish polishing the campaign for now - in later versions we'll be extending it, adding new mission types and scenario missions. Several performance improvements will be included in 2.003 as well.

    By the way, we're working on new aircraft and features we'll tell you about a bit later. Here are a few WIP screenshots for now:


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