"INTERACTIVE WAR" event. We need Bf110 pilots. Seeking help.

  • Greetings gentlemen, fellow Zerstorerfliegern!

    I am here to invite You to participate in online project INTERACTIVE WAR.


    It is a full-scale project with movable frontline, interesting tactiks and improved economics parts. It is not a simple digfight, but more like a chess.

    It consisted on evening eventson weekends:

    Friday, in 21:00 Berlin time - "Preparing/Concentration stage".
    Saturday, in 20:00 Berlin time - "Ground forses operation stage".

    During preparing stage, we concentrating resourses and forces, and trying to destroy enemy resourses by bombing.

    During ground forses operations stage, we attacking and defending frontline strongpoints, thus moving frontline.

    In this project there is no strangers/side pilots (who can do many things like friendlykills / other stuff on WoL or DED).

    All participated pilots know each other very well, and we have good level of cooperation between different squads from different countries, and speaking different languages.

    Mainly, we have RED side consisting of mainly russian-speaking guys, with some spanish and englanders.
    Blue side is widely international: we have fighters and some StuKas from Czech republic (1st Czech Lions), fighters from Germany ( JG4 ), fighters from NorthAmerika ( 4./JG52 ), and some russian-speaking guys.

    Assault branch is mainly of my ZG1 (Germany, Sweden, Finnland, England) and 13.(Z)/LG1 (russian-speaking guys). Russian-speaking I./KG100 are flying He111's for bombers and special-purpose missions, and finns (various LLv's) are our main bomber forses with JU88.
    I hope, some italian fighters will join the fray.

    So, to have more powerfull ground attack force, I am (as a coordinator of Blue HQ) searching some pilots to join the fray as a Bf110 pilots.

    For futher information:
    Project rules.

    Current front map:

    Registration table for 1st July and 2nd July missions.

    TeamSpeak: ts.axeman.su
    No password.

    Looking forward for futher cooperation!

    P.S. My ZG1 "Wespe" squadron is regularly frying on DED Expert server as Bf110. We would be very pleased to fly with You as a bunch of Bf110 :)
    We use BoS/BoM official Teamspeak server, but more usually our ZG1 Wespe server:
    No password. Always welcome.

  • As interested as I am in this event, the timing of it could not be worse.

    This weekend Germany´s football team is going to send Italy´s team back home (wishful thinking).
    Most of the ZG15 Members will support the football team in public viewing events or at home watching the game on TV.

    Next time I will be pleased to fly with you!
    Thanks for the offer anyway!

  • Yeah, our german members also will support Bundesteam at saturday :) And after my woddlegs (Russian "team") was finally sent back to Russia, I vote for German team also :)

    But Front is calling, so we will fly.

    Can You fly this Friday? (Tomorrow)? We still need Bf110 pilots for mission.

  • http://forum.il2sturmovik.com/…64-war/page-4#entry369073

  • Zitat von II./ZG15_Falke

    As interested as I am in this event, the timing of it could not be worse.

    This weekend Germany´s football team is going to send Italy´s team back home (wishful thinking).
    Most of the ZG15 Members will support the football team in public viewing events or at home watching the game on TV.

    Next time I will be pleased to fly with you!
    Thanks for the offer anyway!

    Hi guys!
    Front is calling. Tomorrow, we will need badly in assault aircrafts, particularly in Bf110. AS much as possible. I will call all ZG squads, and also hope some of You can participate.

    We are meeting at 19:30 at IN WAR teamspeak, and at 20:00 Berlin time we will start a mission.

  • http://forum.il2sturmovik.com/…64-war/page-4#entry369861

  • Gentlemen, good evening!

    Anyone want to join? Today each Bf110 counts, wee need more pilots to get back that city. We have lots of fighter escort, but only 2 Bf110 pilots.

    We will start at 21:00 Berlin time. Mission will be 2 hours.

    If anybody want to join - welcome.

  • 2nd Tour of Duty is over. Without assault support (we were constantly running short of Ju87 and Bf110 pilots), last german offencive desiesed.

    Now, Blue ream recuperating and replenishing, and will attack again. Next week. At same time.

    You are welcome to our War. Even outnumbered, we have a will to fight and win!

    Here is a Wochenschau, made by top-Luftwaffe ace of IN WAR, 2stCL/Werner:

    Externer Inhalt www.youtube.com
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  • Great video, I felt like sitting in a cinema in the 1940's and watching the "Wochenschau". :lol
    We appreciate your feedback regarding the "Interactive War event".
    We are currently ramping up our squadron activities and hope to give you and the blue team a bit more contribution after the summer holiday season.

  • I wish You good and the dest in reconstructing Your squadron.

    When flying DED at friday and saturday evenings, just remember Yourself that in same time, same moment, some Bf110 pilots are fighting outnumbered badly in IN WAR :)


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